
7 Colour LED Facial Mask

7 Colour LED Facial Mask


LED Facial Mask

7 Colour LED Facial Mask
Price = R 3,999.00
For More Information visit :
Hollywood Beauty Secret now available in South Africa
Suitable Areas: face and Neck
Aiming at:
Whitening/Anti-Ageing/Skin Tightening/Wrinkles & Freckles
Favoured by celebrities such as Kourtney Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Chrissy Teigen, and Kate Hudson, as part of their latest treatment for anti-ageing and skin radiance. LED Phototherapy Mask treatment is painless, affordable and suitable for all skin types. By using different wavelengths of light it can treat different skin conditions, and by using light therapy that absorbs into the skin at varying depths, this treatment improves skin tone, clarity and radiance.
This machine uses the principle of photodynamic therapy, which stimulates skin rejuvenation and reverses ageing.
When the light is absorbed by the skin, light energy is converted into intracellular energy, causing a photo chemical reaction that:
Relaxes and strengthens the blood vessels
Blocks and eliminates melanin formation.
Accelerates cell growth
Increases blood circulation
stimulates collagen production
Increases skin elasticity
Treats acne, sun spots and sunburn.
Technical Features
Red light: improves cell activity, promotes collagen and skin whitening, diminishes wrinkles and firms the skin
Blue light: reduces the inflammation of acne ,dispels acne sores, repairs scars and lightens pigmentation
Green light: promotes moisture balance and stability of the skin, reduces excessive oil secretion. Relieves swelling and aids in draining of lymph glands
Yellow light: improves oxygen to cells, reduces wrinkles , diminishes rough skin and redness
Purple light: combining red & blue light to aid in the treatment of acne and scars
Cyanine light: enhances healthy cell production for brighter looking skin
White light: accelerates metabolism of tissues to improve fine lines and loose skin


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